The fluorescent tetra finally makes it debut into Malaysia shores. I was quite amaze with this genetic modified fishes beginning of this year. I first saw it in Azoo's website when I was looking into some of their product information. It is not the normal neon tetra (荧光鱼) or cardinal tetra that we see in normal Local Fish Shop (LFS). I first saw it at 88 marine shops last month and it was sold at RM5 per piece and they were imported from Taiwan's Tai Kong Group which have the famous Azoo brand under its umbrella. (FYI, it is selling at NT7 per fish at Taiwan = less than RM1 per fish after conversion). Again I saw it an Aquafair 2006 and they are really beautiful in groups. Everything is fake in the aquarium except the fish.
Just check out how beautiful these tetra are swimming ins school. Just remember the UV lamp and the right pH for these fellas. For more information on these fishes (provided you know Chinese) please visit http://www.azoo.com.tw/azoo_tw/tkfish/index.php
Something for the beginners: A tetra is any of a number of species of small South American freshwater fish belonging to the family Characidae and to its former subfamily Alestiidae ("African tetras"). The characidae are distingushed from other fishes by the presence of a small adipose fin between the dorsal and caudal fins.
Tetras are tropical fishes normally kept in planted tanks because to simulate the natural ecology of this tiny fishes. They are best kept in school and need a slightly acidic environment.
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